
Injury Update...

Ollie got a shiney new red cast this morning. I swear his leg can't be broken--he's being way too good. He just sat there while the dr's did their business. I don't know why, but it busts me up to see the little cast on his leg. Of course I feel terrible and sad that he's hurt, but there is something so cute about it. When the Dr asked him what color of cast he wanted, he said "peent!" (pink) I made an executive decision and pushed for the red. :)

I had a flood of memories from my own childhood today. I was in a cast for most of it. When they were wrapping O's leg, I remembered what it was like for me. Hmmmm, he was so brave.

He's been really frustrated all day because he can't walk and the army crawl isn't as exciting as it was yesterday. I also think he hurts worse than he did yesterday. He wimpers when I move him or when he crawls. We've been sitting on the couch watching TV. He's such a busy boy and I think his frustration is going to get worse as the days go by.

As for the cast....the Dr today said that it will more like 4 weeks instead of 3. Bummer. I really wanted him to have a "cast free" birthday. We'll see. In 2 weeks we go back for another x-ray and hopefully they'll cut the cast off down to the knee so he'll be able to walk around on it.
I've got to say, this is teaching me a huge lesson. I've been going a million miles an hour lately and haven't paused for a second. The last 24 hours I've had to pause A LOT. I get to drop everything I'm doing and my business is about Ollie. I looked at him today and had a huge flood of love for him wash over me. I truly would do anything for this boy. Awww, my little broken leggy little bear.


John and Julianne said...

oooo, i'm feeling what ur feelin. just breathing and dancing in that moment with your blessed child. i'm sorry his leg is hurt. he is such an amazing little boy. again, i'm taken back to Lo-lo's days.

turleybenson said...

Poor little guy! But it's true, if he's like most little guys, this won't be the last owie. :(

For the record, of COURSE I remember you, in fact, do you remember this Sara moment?

"Whooooo diiiid it?"
And later, behind the banister, "I diiiid it."