

You thought you were getting a real post? Of course not. I'm surprised if you're even reading this. Haven't you written me off completely?

Hmmm....pretty please email me your mailing address.
It's holiday card time, and I want to send YOU one.

You have one day.


Liz, in New York said...

I do whatever you say, whenever you say it. But 'cept you already have my address.

Now go run down that hallway in your wedding dress. It will look really good. I promise.


Judy Francisco said...

Reminds me of a teletubby.

Anaise said...

I think it's funny that your boy can look exactly like you, but you look like a girl and he looks like a boy--even with his hair in pig tails!

Kandis said...

So I totally missed sending you my address so I could get a card. Maybe you should post it on the blog?

P.S. I loved the Halloween pics!!!!!

Sarah said...

Oh he looks like a little girl. I will call her Olivia :)

Cando said...

Enough.. I've had enough. UPDATE THIS THING!!