
The official Ollie UPDATE!

Okay, ask and ye shall receive....really really late. I'm busy....BLAH.

Where to start? Hmmm, the cast! He got it off at the 2 week appointment. Two whole weeks sooner than we expected. He walks like me now which is a problem. Ain't no body ought to walk like this Mama. Alas, he does. We're taking him in again to figure out the limp dealio. We're unsure if it's normal or not. He's doing great though. Doesn't seem to be in any pain. It's a done deal. First "man wound" is totally yesterdays news.

On to bigger and cooler things. O turned TWO on the 10th. We had a fabulous day doing whatever he wanted. We woke up and drove around looking for horses. We found some sheep and O leaned out the window and said "HIIIIIIIIIIII ship!" It was so stinkin' cute. I didn't know he even knew what a sheep was. Love love love that he is talking. Anyway, we drove around, looked for various farm animals, got him a bunch of sugar (ie. donuts, mcdonalds, candy) to chow on and then came home and put his new toys together. He LOVED his new slide and spent the rest of the day going down it over and over. Then he played in the box the slide came in for a good solid hour. Alex took the morning off so O was in heaven with both of us home.

After the nap (yes, even on his bday he naps...rules are rules!) my friend Candace and her kiddos came over to help us celebrate. We decided to go to Horton Hears a Who...O's FIRST movie. It was a terrible idea. While Grace sat and watched like a good little girl, Ollie ran up and down the isles screaming and laughing. Luckily we were the only ones in the theatre, so I let him do whatever. He belly rolled down the isle at one point...like a snowball rolling down a hill gathering more snow and getting bigger, Ollie gathered popcorn and theatre floor garbage. Then he dumped a frosty on his head and we decided to get the heck outta there. It was super funny. We ended up at McDonald's playplace where the kids could go crazy. I know, this doesn't sound like the best planned birthday ever, but I'm telling you Oliver had a blast. He was SO ready for bed. Here's some shots from the rest of the day.
Playing with his new super annoying toy. Elmo says "yummy yummy yummy" over and over and so now Ollie says "yummy yummy yummy" over and over. Thank you Candace, you good little friend you.
Getting calls from Nanny and Papa. Everytime someone would call he'd give them a big "kiss."

We put the kids to bed and thought they were sound asleep. We had to get our "Office" on so we were glued to the TV. When Candace went to get Grace so they could go home, this is what she found. Miss Grace wasn't asleep at all! Rather, she had found my mascara and dazzled her little self all up. I think she wanted to impress Ollie on his birthday. I think he prefers the natural look, Grace.

Birthday TAKE TWO:

We had part 2 of the birthday festivities at the park with Al's family on Sunday. It was such a gorgeous day. Ollie played his heart out and ate another pound of sugar.


Running across the entire park to greet Nanny and Papa...he was SO excited.

Telling cousing Grace who's boss.


Update #3.....NEW BED!

Ollie climbed out of his crib the first time on the morning of his bday. We didn't get too mad because it was pretty cute when he waltzed into our bedroom. It sorta freaked us out and then we just laughed. Ever since then, he's done it every morning. Sometimes at 5 am! Grrrr. So we decided to move his bedroom upstairs and get him a big boy bed. Might as well make the transition now right? He had a hard time the first night going down..being in an unfamiliar room and all. 4 am came REALLY early. From 4 till 6:30 we tried to get him to go back to bed. Finally we let him come sleep with us...first ever family nap. It was sweet when he finally fell asleep and I watched my two boys snoring. Last night was try #2 and it went better. He got up once at midnight and went right back to sleep after a drink. It'll be interesting to see how it goes. My boy is getting so big. It's weird and sweet.

Here's some shots of the new diggs. It's not finished yet, but the basic decor is up (paint etc.)


. said...

Shut up! Could that room be any cuter! I am so copying it in Cole's room when we move. You have skills, Sara. I envy. Deeply.

Um, I do love me some Oliver, so thanks for the update. You are a wonderful mom and he's turning out to be the cutest and sweetest boy ever. Love the kisses on the cell phone!

Camille said...

Heaven. I'm in heaven.

First of all, he's GORGEOUS!! seriously, he's so yummy.

and then secondly, I really miss him and wish with all my heart that we were part of his life. I hate that I don't get to grow up with your kid.

and third, what a freakin' cute kid.

and forth. wait, that's not the right forth.

and fourth, i love the room, the pics, the slide (he's so cracking me up on that slide) and all of the above.

Tiffani said...

Ok, several things. Sara, how talented are you. You girl have so much going for you. A. Cutest mommy. B. AMAZING photographer. C. funniest girl. D. interior decorator. WHAT? I knew you were awesome but I had no idea you had so many hidden talents. I lOVE the paint in his room. Copying that.

On to little Oliver. He looks so much like you! What a little cutie. I love that he had so much fun on his birthday. And I love how you just take everything in stride.

I miss you tons. Thanks for the update!

Taylor and Emily said...

So what's this, O plays baseball and that doesn't get a caption? I am going to have to talk with Al about this. I can't believe I haven't met O yet, I am really going to have to do what when I am back in Utah in July.

Liz, in New York said...

I love that bedroom of his! VERY cute. His mom has great taste.

Also, my new favorite story of all is "HIIIIIII ship!"

LOVE this boy.